During his 50 year career in architecture, Alden Dow designed over 560 projects not only in the state of Michigan but also throughout the United States. Whether designing homes for the individual or the family, work spaces for industry, worship spaces for religious communities, or schools and civic buildings, Alden Dow believed the architect always played an important role in creating harmony between people, materials and ideas.  Good architecture responds to the land and its culture. In 1944, Alden Dow said, “I have no idea what my next design for a building will look like, but I do know it will not look anything like the one I have just completed, and that is not because of me, but because of the individual or individuals that are going to use the next building.”

The progressive climate of the pre and post war years encouraged Alden Dow’s  interest in new technology, new materials and innovative designs.  His buildings combined the functional with imagination and creativity.  For five decades, Alden Dow successfully pioneered architectural designs that are still timely today.

In The Archives

Alden B. Dow Archive

The Dunbar Community Center by Alden B. Dow

The Dunbar Community Center was founded in 1923 in Ann Arbor by the Rev. R.M. Gilbert of the Second Baptist Church.  Named for the noted Black poet Paul Laurence Dunbar, it was a vibrant gathering place for the predominantly Black community in which it was located, with recreational and educational

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Alden B. Dow Archive

Conductron Corporation by Alden B. Dow

The Conductron Corporation was founded in 1960 by University of Michigan professor of electrical engineering, Dr. Keeve “Kip” Siegel. It was a research and development firm that developed radar for aerial reconnaissance among many other high-tech innovations for the time. Alden B. Dow was hired by Dr. Siegel to design

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Alden B. Dow Archive

University Microfilms, Incorporated (UMI) by Alden B. Dow

University Microfilms was founded in 1938 in Ann Arbor by Eugene Power.  During World War II, Power microfilmed thousands of rare books and periodicals in British libraries to preserve their contents from possible destruction.  Not long after that, his business expanded to include the large-scale microfilming of dissertations, theses, newspapers,

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Alden B Dow Home and Studio

Wayne State University – University Center by Alden B. Dow

The Wayne State University’s University Center Building, later known as the Student Center, was designed to bring together three separate non-academic activities into one building: food services, student life, and a central location for the various religious groups on campus.  Alden B. Dow began the design development process in 1964

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