Hillsdale College Nursery by Alden B. Dow
By the time Alden B. Dow began the drawings for the Hillsdale College Nursery, he had already outlined the campus master plan in 1959 and
By the time Alden B. Dow began the drawings for the Hillsdale College Nursery, he had already outlined the campus master plan in 1959 and
From his formative years as part of a large mid-western family that appreciated and revered education, to the challenges of living through and raising a family during the Great Depression and World War II, Dow was always focused on quality as a guide to all aspects of his life. A loving and devoted husband and father, Dow was happiest when at his home in Midland with his family and friends.
A roadside picnic, a boating trip in the North Channel of Lake Huron or a playful and imaginatively conceived 16mm movie acted and filmed with those dearest to him, he knew the importance of sharing the simple pleasures of life with others.
Although work was a great passion for Dow, it was his wife Vada, their three children and their families that created the joy in his life that allowed him to flourish as a unique and creative individual.