Hillsdale College Nursery by Alden B. Dow
By the time Alden B. Dow began the drawings for the Hillsdale College Nursery, he had already outlined the campus master plan in 1959 and
By the time Alden B. Dow began the drawings for the Hillsdale College Nursery, he had already outlined the campus master plan in 1959 and
In 2010, the Alden B. Dow Home and Studio collaborated with Midland Public Schools’ International Baccalaureate Program to develop lessons to be taught onsite at the Home and Studio. The program focuses on supplementing and enriching the students’ study of the ways of knowing and areas of knowledge in a unique, stimulating environment. The lessons are designed to define and exemplify the IB Learner Profile Traits through a series of interactive, hands-on experiences in different areas throughout the Home and Studio. The IB Learner Profile Traits are: Knowledgeable; Risk-Taker; Caring; Open-Minded; Balanced; Inquirer; Principled; Reflective; Communicator; and Thinker. Both Dow High School and Midland High Schools eagerly visit the Home and Studio once a week throughout their semester, often citing their visits as the highlight of their week.
The Home and Studio’s Education Staff continue to grow and change the lessons, learning as much from the students as they do from us! We always welcome new programming ideas for teachers and students, to help enhance their curricular needs!