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Student Information

Please have a Parent / Adult Responsible for the Student complete the online Registration Form.
Student Name
Which school do you attend?
Which grade are you in?
What hour do you have English class?

Parent(s) / Adult(s) Responsible for Student

1. Parent/Adult Responsible for Student
2. Parent/Adult Responsible for Student

In Case of Emergency

Additional Emergency Contact - Not Already Listed Above


Transportation TO the Alden B. Dow Home and Studio
Transportation HOME is the responsibility of the Parent / Adult Responsible for Student.

Please be prompt for pick-up at 4:45 pm at the Alden B. Dow Home and Studio (315 Post Street - (989) 839-2744).


Parent / Adult Responsible for Student, please complete this section.
Student may receive emergency medical treatment if necessary.
I give permission to photograph the student and use images for publicity.
I confirm my student will be picked up from the Alden B. Dow Home and Studio at 4:45 pm by one of the adults listed on this registration form.
Clear Signature
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